Some bugs result in the UI indicator(s) remaining on the screen. On Deletion: This should seem obvious, but just in case - click the zone icon, go to the sword tab, and select the red "x." Confirm the deletion. Using the pause button will halt all action being taken by the group. Selecting the sword icon gives options to delete, pause/play, and increase/decrease the zone's radius. On Expansion: In the group UI block, you'll notice three icons - one is defaulted, another is a sword icon, the final is inaccessible in the prototype. Don't let the exit collide with anything or exit into empty space (i.e. View the blue/yellow exit pathing for the stairs, as it could impact your Bricktrons' ability to exit cleanly. At this stage, you can right-click to move the stairs around. Mining shafts can be placed horizontally (tunnels) or vertically, in which case you'll click and drag to place the spread, then move the cursor to the chosen depth and click again. For forested areas, you'll simply drop an icon and that's it - no dragging involved. Click the icon, click the target region, then right-click on the icon with some selected Bricktrons to assign them to that group. The common questions I've run into primarily revolve around zone deletion, expansion, and assignment. Groups & Zone ControlsĬastle Story's resource collection functionality is based entirely off of the collection of wood, stone, and crystals - these feed into its freeform construction. As an aside, hitting 'delete' will remove rubble blocks from the ground, along with any fallen logs. Do this while the construction group/zone is selected. Similarly, if you've had trouble exiting 'build mode' (the blueprint is "stuck" to the end of the cursor), it's because you need to hold right-click and select "back" to exit build mode and get rid of the blueprint. Quick Tip: Holding right-click on an area will open a quick menu with common building options. More advanced functionality can be found in the icons in the top right of the UI, to include X-Ray vision and better vertical camera positioning (also done with 'alt').

This is about as basic as it gets, but why start at the top? I'll keep this short as the tooltips explain things fairly well: Movement is largely dominated by the spacebar hold it down and use WASD to pan, hold right click + space to rotate, scroll to zoom, and that's about it. Believe me, it's much faster than learning entirely alone: This section is accompanied by a video tutorial that we created earlier, which should help you rapidly pick-up the basics. Getting Started: Controls, Block Deletion, & Your First Castle